Hey there! I am Nicolaas de Bruyn, and I am the creator of BruynHuis, a small indie one-man game
development house in South Africa.
When I started developing games back in 2005 I was still young and inexperienced.
It was only in 2014 when my brother and I decided we want to make mobile games.
Both of us studied Computer Science at the University of Pretoria and we
both have BSc. Computer Science degrees.
I have been developing in jMonkeyEngine since 2004.
I really enjoy developing mobile games and my dream is to one day, generate an income for me and my
family using these exciting tools and all the knowledge I have of game development.
Let me tell you a bit about the technology I use.
For the game engine I use jMonkeyEngine
which is build on
top of the OpenGL Java Library LWJGL.
For 3D modeling I use the amazing Blender.
When I have to make any image editing I will make use of GIMP
for designs I use Sketchpad.
For sound editing I tend to use AudacityAudacity.